Suppliers’ Message Centre

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Our Supplier Message Centre is a free service that we set up to help with industry communications during the pandemic in 2020.

If you wish to post your company messages, please email and we will do this for you.




Intercan managing director Peter Strode has released a statement regarding the Covid-19 crisis: During the past 34 years in this industry we have...


SLAC Group have released a statement from chief operating officer, international and chief marketing officer, Chris McKenzie. Chris, based in Australia, has been...


To all our valued customers and business partners, During this challenging time, our top priority remains safeguarding our employees, their families and the...


Dear Colleagues, As the situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve, Quaker Houghton is taking action to protect the health and well-being of our...


Greetings to All, We hope that this finds you and your family safe and well during these troubling times. The decision has been made...

Prime Controls

Dear Customers and Friends, The state of Ohio has issued a Stay at Home Order effective 11:59 p.m. on March 23rd, 2020 until...


Hello, I would like to report you about the COVID-19 evolution here in Italy and IMETA. Many Customers wrote me asking about so I...

SLAC Precision Equipment Co

Dateline March 2020, This year has been a hard one for everyone, The Ides of March as I was brought up to understand...



Canned Water 4 Kids

Latam Can