Welcome to September’s Issue of Canmaking News

TD Wright Side
Prime Controls
Canned Water 4 Kids

It’s September and the start of Autumn here in the UK, a time of transition when the summer goes to seed and makes way for the season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ as Keats described it.

It’s a time of transition for us at Canmaking News too as we welcome a new editor and say farewell to the old, although she might not thank us for the ‘old’ and certainly doesn’t consider she’s gone to seed quite just yet!

Despite all the changes and challenges ahead, Canmaking News is going strong and we kick off this month with tales from a leading Russian metals company; events for your diary; training opportunites in the industry; new appointments and plenty more.


We’re always interested in your news and announcements, big or small, so please don’t hesitate to send them to editorial@canmakingnews.com. You never know, you might find yourself featured in the Best of Canmaking News!

Janis Osborn


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