‘Tis the season – to get canning!
December is finally here and at Canmaking News HQ, we couldn’t be more thankful! After a busy year, filled with excellent shows and news, it’s time to button down the hatches and settle in for the holiday season. December is known around the world as a family time of celebration, honouring cultures, religions and traditions that have been with humanity for hundreds of years. Seasons greetings to you all from the Canmaking News team.
There is however no rest for the wicked and here in the UK we’re holding our breaths until the general election on December 12th. We can probably all agree we are living in highly uncertain times, but it is a comfort that the industry carries on as usual. It’s been fantastic to see you all do your bit for the less fortunate this year, particularly as it’s easy to get caught up in the more commercial aspects of the season. Have a read of our article on Miltec UV who spent some time volunteering at the FEED-A-FAMILY programme in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland.
This month’s feature looks at the continued popularity in canned alcoholic drinks. The UK, in particular, has seen a rise in canned cocktails, wine and prosecco. We examine why this is the case and if their popularity is likely to continue.
And for next year…
We’re looking forward to attending ADF Paris at the end of January. The talks will focus on technical and regulatory challenges for the aerosol and dispensing sector and feature a mix of keynote talks, panel discussions and technical workshops. The event attracts thousands of people each year, you’d be mad to miss it! This will be followed by Latamacan In March and of course Metpack and the IMDA in May. We hope to catch up with you at the shows. Are you ready? They will be here sooner than you think!
It’s been a fantastic year for Canmaking News and we’re so excited for you to see our plans for 2020. Thank you for all of your support over the course of 2019 and please continue to send us your news. We continue to update regularly. We will also be publishing our printed annual ‘The Best of Canmaking News’ for 2019 in January. If you would like your news to be included and also require advertising too, please let us know. There is just about enough time to include your message. This will be mailed out and will also be available to read online.. and it will be at the shows.
We hope you enjoy the holidays – see you in January 2020!
Janis Osborn
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