A Tribute to David
David Andrew McEachern
26 December 1954 – 9 March 2017
It is with great sadness that we at Canmaking News write about the passing away of David McEeachern. He had a five-year battle with frontal temporal dementia.
I remember him well and he was one of the very first people I met at LatinCan in Cancun, some twenty years ago when I first started working in this industry. We shared many times together, not to mention… sun tans. He would always joke about the fact he had a skin that just turned red when sunbathing and then back to white like his hair, no matter what he did.
He was a good example of how a small business can be a success. David purchased T D Wright from Ted Wright, determined to keep it successful as a tribute to Ted and the great working relationship they had. Full credit to the success of T D Wright should go to David. He looked after his colleagues and was very well respected and liked. He was committed to producing the finest magnetic cylinders and accessories for printing, converting and decutting – and he did just that. I got to know his son, Joseph who stepped into his shoes as the illness progressed.
David is and will be missed but we at Canmaking News continue to welcome his son, Joseph who is certainly a worthy successor and we wish him every success and continued support for the future of T D Wright.
Janis Osborn
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