Welcome to September!

TD Wright Side
Canned Water 4 Kids
Prime Controls

We hope that you’ve all had a lovely summer and are back, raring to go! September has started in it’s usual fashion with a flurry of news and announcements. August saw us release another fantastic podcast with  Ruben Robles, Vice President for Global Business Development for Belvac. We chat about Belvac’s beginnings and secrets for the future. Ruben also tells us about his work ethics and disciplines which helps to develop his continued success. Listen to hear more here.

In other and a little more personal news, my daughter Alice got married a few weeks ago to her dashing Army Major boyfriend, Andy. We thought maybe some of you would like to see a photo, especially as many of you have known Alice for several years.


You’ve been busy….

Eastside Distilling, Inc, a consumer-focused beverage company that builds craft inspired experiential brands and high-quality artisan products around premium spirits, digital can printing, co-packing and mobile filling, has announced that Craft Canning + Printing has printed and delivered more than two million cans from its Argyle printing operation.  Read more here.

As part of its monthly Aluminum Situation report, the Aluminum Association released preliminary estimates showing 6.6% year-to-date demand growth for the aluminium industry in North America (U.S. and Canada) through the first half of 2022. This is on top of a near 8% year-over-year increase estimated in 2021 and built on demand levels estimated during the first quarter. For some more details on the report, click here.

A can label wrap by The Label Makers for a new ready-to-drink cocktail has taken sustainable labelling to new levels, having been made from 5% apple waste from apple juice production and 95% FSC certified pulp. We love a good sustainable tale, read more here about the company and its journey.


We cannot wait to see you all at the IMPDA in October, flights are booked, bags are (nearly!) packed and we’ll see you all there!


Janis Osborn




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