Important Announcement/Anuncio Importante – Latamcan

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Prime Controls
TD Wright Side

Latamcan, Mexico 2021

Canmaking News, proud sponsors of Latamcan since 2003, are sadly unable to attend this year’s show. This decision has been taken out of our hands as the UK Government has placed Mexico on the ‘Red List’. As you can imagine we are all devastated, especially as this is the first time that we will not be attending the conference.

However, we will continue to do our very best to support Latamcan. We have a ‘plan B’ which we will use to report on the show and to keep you informed. Watch this space!

I am sure the conference will be very successful and we would love to hear your feedback.

Keep reading Canmaking News to stay informed about industry news. Subscription at the moment is free so make the most of it!

Adios Amigos!

Mas Tarde!


Janis Osborn



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