MARCH Comment

Canned Water 4 Kids
TD Wright Side
Prime Controls

We are not faffing about

Spring has officially sprung! As we head into warmer temperatures (we hope anyway), there’s plenty to look forward to on the industry agenda for the next few weeks.

Here at Canmaking News HQ, we’re on a bit of an efficiency drive, moving out of date processes so we can get the news written and uploaded as quickly as possible. So in light of Lent, we’re giving up ‘faff’ for the next few weeks. Some of you may not know what faff means but it’s a wonderful British expression which means to cut out ineffectual activity or tasks that take an extraordinary amount of effort for very little output. We’re sure you agree that the world could do with a lot less faff – we’ll let you know how we get on!

First stop for us is Latamcan in Sao Paolo from the 4th – 5th March. Always a well-attended event, we’re excited to see all of our friends and clients and of course to hear from a fantastic line-up of industry experts. We’ll be reporting directly from the show this year so please do keep an eye out for all of the latest news.


The sad news last month from Moulton Coors has reminded us just how precious life is and how close our industry is. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families and colleagues affected by the tragedy.


Janis Osborn

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