Welcome to July’s edition of Canmaking News, where, in our Feature Article, we look back at 30 years of APEAL, the Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging, and forward to what this organisation anticipates for the future of metal packaging.
One of the hottest topics around, and it won’t be cooling down any time soon, is the inherent recyclability of steel, and what this means for one of the EU’s objectives: The Circular Economy, which looks beyond the traditional extractive industrial model and aims for a restorative, regenerative approach instead.
As part of APEAL’s 30th anniversary celebration, it commissioned three papers by industry experts to guide us through the past, discuss the present state of play and fast forward to the future to look at the prospects as well as challenges that face metal packaging.
If recyclabliity is hot stuff, then innovation is sizzling and there’s plenty of that going on in the canmaking industry – seriously, folks, what a bunch of pioneering trailblazers you are. And as usual you’ll read about some of the trails being blazed in World News and News in Brief.
We’re sorry about the weather in the UK, but what do you expect? After all, late June and early July sees both the Glastonbury Festival and Wimbledon – both crowd pullers and rain makers – and no doubt a great many of your cans were present too – well we hope they get the recycling they deserve!
Janis Osborn
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