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What’s new at Canmaking News


Welcome to September!

We hope that you’ve all had a lovely summer and are back, raring to go! September has started in it’s usual fashion with a flurry of news and announcements. August saw us release another fantastic podcast with  Ruben Robles, Vice President for Global Business Development for Belvac. We chat about Belvac’s beginnings and secrets for the…


Hello and welcome to August!

Although August tends to be a little quieter than most other months with most of you jetting off to far flung corners of the globe, we seem to have started this month just as busy as previous months. We’re seeing a lot more product launches and improvements to service offerings which is fantastic. We love…


Hello and welcome to July!

After a busy few weeks its good to be able to sit and take stock! Our next show will be the IMDPA in October so no more travelling for the time being! We’re getting busier at Canmaking News HQ, there’s certainly no sign that we’re slowing down for the summer.  We’ve got some excellent podcasts…


Hello and welcome to June!

The start of June will see the UK start a four day holiday, as we celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee. A truly remarkable lady, the Queen has been on the throne for 70 years, the longest serving monarch in world history. In true British style, there are a number of celebrations planned, with most villages,…


Hello and welcome to May!

It’s May already! Can you believe it? As we head into the warmer months, there is positivity in the air. And we certainly need it. So far, 2022 has proved tumultuous; the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine is devastating, energy costs are hitting record highs and society is slowly recovering from the effects of the…


Hello and welcome to April!

And just like that, we’re right into the second quarter of 2022. We’re not sure where the time has gone and when speaking to some of you in the industry, it seems as if the sentiment is echoed right across the globe. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has escalated beyond a point any of us could…


Hello and welcome to March!

The days are finally getting longer and the weather (which we brits are obsessed with) is getting somewhat better. The industry continues on its strong momentum as evidenced by the impressive year end results released in February. This was of no surprise given the great reports we’re hearing from you all however as ever, it’s…

Yellow Metal Aluminium Beverage Drink Can With Water droplets for valentine day

Welcome to February!

After what seems like weeks and weeks, we’re finally into February and thank goodness because January really seemed to drag this year! February is the month of love with Valentines Day coming up on the 14th. With the world opening up though and Covid restrictions all but disappearing hopefully this year we can manage a…


Welcome to December!

We can’t quite believe that it’s December already, the last 11 months really have flown by and it almost feels as if we’re not quite ready for the festive period (especially in the UK where the sun is in short supply!). That being said, there are exciting things on the horizon, with more podcasts and…


Welcome to November!

Well, what a month it’s been! Whilst sadly, we were unable to attend Latamcan or the IMDPA this year, we were fortunate enough to attend the BAMA awards in Chester in October. Kindly invited by Ball, it was fantastic to catch up with our new and old friends in the industry. The Aerosol Packaging award…

INX International



Canned Water 4 Kids

Steelforce x WICA

LatamCan Side